Another interesting thin is that Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit. All times are GMT The motherboard has two groups of 4 SATA ports:. Silcon Image Sata Raid Controller. I have flashed the
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Contact Us Legal Privacy and cookies. Sexually explicit or rsid language. Win 8 Release candidate Originally Posted by Silver I tried allmost everything and did not succeed - except when I just found this article from AnandTech with a review of the motherboard.

Similar help and support threads. And, be ready to get problems in case you are using PIC sound card, tv tuner etc.

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Windows 7 Professional 32 bit. Cooling none Internet Speed 45Mb down 5Mb up. Perhaps not a question for sevenforums, but I'd figure you guys would either have the answer, or be able to direct me to the answer.

Silcon Image Sata Raid Controller - Windows 7 Help Forums

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Promote cracked software, or other illegal content. Originally Posted by Silver Does anyone know where I might find the 64 bit ". Silver Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit 38 posts.

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Event ID 11 Source: All times are GMT I have a hard drive and a DVD burner. Welcome to Windows 7 Forums.

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